Monday, October 9, 2006

Random Stuff

1) I weighed in at 179 this morning. Down is very, very good.

2) Rest day today. I didn't even do the core workout tonight. I just need a mental break, too.

3) I found out some disturbing things about some of my favorite food. I really like Kashi cereals. Their granola bars are OK, but serious is awesome. It's healthy and delicious. I also really like Odwalla bars. They are probably best known for their very expensive fruit juices that are very delicious though. Well, I found out that Kashi was purchased by Kellogg in 2000 and Odwalla was purchased by Coca-Cola in 2002. This really disappoints me because I really like supporting businesses that are health conscious and smaller businesses. It seems like once companies grow to a certain size, they lose track of helping out the community and the culture of the company is to make as much profit as possible. Now, the point of business is to make money, but there usually is some other ideal as well. Now, I don't think companies like Kellogg and Coca-Cola do not have these ideals besides making as much money as possible.

4) Whenever I get into the toiletries section of my gym bag, you'll never know what container has exploded and coated everything in my. It's been awhile since my shaving cream has exploded. That doesn't look like my lotion has leaked again. It doesn't quite smell like deodorant melted this time. Maybe it's my soap because I always love the taste of Mountain Spring soap flavored Triberrry Gu's. And speaking of Gu's, they are really a pain in the ass to clean up from the bottom of a gym bag.

5) Here is some newbie advice to other newbies since I'm 25 days away from my first IM. You will have bad workouts. You will doubt your abilities to work towards your goal. You will feel like giving up. You will wonder if it is really worth it all. You will wonder where your social life went. This is normal. Almost everyone goes through this and it's OK. You aren't alone and these thoughts are very typical. Just remember to not let it consume your life. Remember to go out and have fun every once in awhile. It's OK to get some beers once or twice a month. It's Saturday night and you haven't had pizza in about 2 months? Go ahead and order some Papa Johns. You will need to keep things fresh and not deny yourself 100% of all indulgences. While you are training to become an Ironman, you still need to live a little. Good luck.

6) Using cottage cheese when you're out of vanilla yogurt in your smoothies doesn't work out as well as you expect it to.

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Congrats on the weight loss! Mine has barely budged in a month. Those last 5 pounds are so stubborn!

Thanks for the newbie advice. I'm expecting the burnout to hit me in Feb. or so... I'll give beer and pizza a shot.




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