Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Still running

I'm still running. The good thing is I think that my knee is healed. I'm sure it isn't 100% but it hasn't really bothered me in a few weeks now. I'm not even taping it any more and it still feels fine. Hell, I did the Warrior Dash with no taping and it felt fine. My mileage is up there a bit and I'm seeing progress running with Gilbert's Gazelles.

Like I said above, I did the Warrior Dash. I did it after running 7 miles in the morning. That was one of the dumbest decisions of my entire life. I was feeling the 7 miles with every single step of the WD, but I still finished in 32:34 and I could've done it faster on fresh legs.

2 Weeks Ago: 19 miles
Last Week: 14 miles
Asics Mileage: 204.5 miles

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Post Boston Blues

I went to Boston this past weekend. It was a blast. I had every intention of working out but didn't. Everyone knows how that goes. Besides the kick ass run I had on Monday of last week, I put in another 4 miles. This week was an easy week because I've got some things going on in my head and wasn't really motivated and I just put time in the shoes. Hopefully next week will be more hard, fast runs.

Mileage 2 weeks ago: 11 miles
Weekly run mileage: 16 miles
Asics mileage: 171.5 miles

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