Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Another 3800yds but I was tired

I swam 3800 yards this morning. I was tired though. Very tired. Not physically exhausted, but just sleepy tired. I have been ramping up my training lately and I think my body is requiring more sleep because of it. Then, when I don't get 7-8 hours, I feel it a lot more. It makes sense though. Other than that, not much else is going on right now. I'm resting the rest of today and then I have a South Mopac time trial tomorrow night with Texas Iron. I love those! However, I don't think I'll be able to improve on my time from last time. I feel like my biking has been suffering lately since I've been putting focus on running and then swimming which is to be expected. We'll see how I do. I have been slacking off on my long rides on Saturdays due to the weather. I need to get my ass in gear because I have a half Ironman in just over 2 months and my longest ride so far this year has been about 35 miles.

Oh, I guess I can talk about my medical terminology class. I'm learning about the different systems of the body. It's not quite an anatomy class, but it is close. I have gone through most of the chapters so far and most of the time I'm fine. However, the urinary system, especially the kidneys, and the section about the skin completely gross me out. Most of the time, people freak out about the digestive system because they have an aversion to poo or something like that. For me, seeing a diagram of a cystic kidney just grosses me out. Also, seeing all different kinds of skin issues like lesions and different forms of advanced skin cancer just turns my stomach. I'll get over it by the time I'm done with anatomy in the spring or I'll end up throwing up on a cadaver. Right now, I'm studying the endocrine system. This shit is tough because I have to memorize a bunch of hormones, what their 3 different names are, what they control, and where they are produced. Also, I have to say that it's pretty amazing about how much of the body these very tiny glands control. The parathyroid glands are each the size of a grain of rice. The function of the pineal gland is poorly understood and the function of many other structures of the endocrine aren't that well known either. I also find it amazing that these tiny glands produce so many different hormones and I'm really curious about how they do it. How much of a hormone is needed in the blood stream to make a noticeable change in the body? Is just a single drop enough to use for an entire year? It's amazing stuff and I love learning about it.

1 comment:

Dances with Corgis said...

If you ever come to NYC, I will take you to The Bodies exhibit, you can totally geek out with the info you're learning in class.

I think you will get over the "gross out" factor soon enough once you are working with people in real life.


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