Tuesday, November 23, 2010


After my long run two Sundays ago, my toe started hurting. I was concerned because it felt like a stress fracture. I went to see my PT later in the week and he thinks I have a stressed out flexor tendon in my foot. I took all week off of running and then ran 3 miles this past Sunday. My toe hurt again so it looks like I'm back on the DL for the time being. This is really frustrating because I seem to be injury prone. I try to ramp up my training regarding running and I keep getting hurt. This is preventing me from making progress running because as soon as I start making progress, I get hurt and then I can't train for awhile. This is difficult mentally since I am trying really hard to get better at running but I need months (6-24 months) of consistent, injury free running to really see some gains and that just isn't happening with my body. This fucking sucks!

Weekly run mileage: 3 miles
Asics mileage: 119 miles

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