Monday, March 19, 2012


That's how I've been feeling the past week. I've been burning the candle at both ends lately and I'm getting tired and unmotivated to work out at times. I need to focus but I admit that I have been having a lot of fun lately. Can't keep it up though and I have to find a balance.

Two weeks ago was a pretty good running week for me with about 16 miles. Last week wasn't so good with only a single 7ish mile run. I skipped this morning's workout because of laziness so I have to run on Wednesday. I have the Cap 10K on Sunday so we'll see how that goes. I have been avoiding social outings on nights before runs so maybe that will help.

2 Weeks ago: 16 miles
Last week: 7 miles

Asics run mileage: 96.5 miles

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