Thursday, July 2, 2009

Tempo Run Repeats

On Tuesday, we did some tempo run repeats with Texas Iron. BTW, what the fuck is up with the temp that night being 92* and it actually felt pleasant? OK, so we did a tempo run but we did it around a loop. I ended up doing 5 loops and here are my times.


Each one was suppose to get faster which I didn't do unfortunately. However, that last loop was a good one for me. I was pushing more than I usually push and it really didn't hurt that bad and it was quite a bit faster considering that this was at the end of a tempo run. I felt strong and it felt good. So that is some positive training news which is good since I don't seem to have much positive stuff lately.

Oh, I started June at 189. I finished on July 1st at 190. This may look to be not bad, but both of those numbers are actually valleys. I was back up to 195 at some point in between. It's a bit frustrating, but I'm back to counting calories again which really keeps me on track. I'm also trying to limit the amount of beer that I drink which always affects me. Wine isn't so bad, but beer makes me fat.

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