Thursday, July 1, 2010


So, at Tuesday practice last week, I had a "come to Jesus" talk with my coach about running in the heat. He said that what I'm suffering (1:00-1:30/mile slower than winter base pace) is happening to everyone. He said that it is usually the humidity that slows people down and that is definitely true. I've noticed that I can run fine at 98* later in the day, but running in the mornings at 80* and 80% humidity kills me. I should be going off of perceived effort instead of pace and/or heart rate. OK, this makes me feel a bit better, but not much. I'll keep chugging along though. We also talked about my hurting foot and he said to not change my gait at all because that'll cause injuries. Yeah, I don't want anymore of those.

I did have a great run workout last Tuesday. We did two 1 mile loops and then we did 4x900m intervals. My times were 2:59 (uphill), 2:53 (downhill), 2:52 (uphill), 2:38 (downhill) so I got faster each one and my heart rate got up above 180bpm as well. The last one felt great because I was really concentrating on form and it shows.

Other than that, I ain't got much other news besides the fact that I'm still having motivational problems for what seems like 2 years now.

Weekly run mileage: 15 miles
Asics mileage: 107.5 miles

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