Sunday, February 26, 2012

Hmmm, I might be running again

My abs are feeling much better and I've been running more. I actually ran 3 times last week, a crappy run on Monday, a decent interval workout on Wednesday, and then a nice long run on Saturday. I checked out my mileage on Garmin Connect and I actually ran 18.5 miles last week. So, I guess I'm running again. And it feels great! My abs hurt a bit from time to time but nothing that I think is too concerning. My knees feel fine as well and everything is just feeling pretty good at the moment. I'm going to work on speed again since it seems that I haven't lost much base, it should be a fun few weeks before the Cap 10K.

Weekly run mileage: 18.5 miles
Asics mileage: 54.5 miles

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