Sunday, January 15, 2006

Do you need more fiber in your diet?

Man, this will probably be way TMI, but I gotta post this. I usually eat a high fiber diet. My usual morning breakfast is the grandpa cereal, aka Kellogg's All-bran. Well, I've been feeling a little stopped up lately because I switched my breakfast cereal to something that is a little more appetizing, but contains a lot less fiber. I need to go back to All-bran for about a week to get the sewer system cleared out again.

1 comment:

mcoker said...

man i'm feelin ya. what sucks is i'm becoming too used to my high fiber diet. I used to hit up the toilet every day for a nice little session each morning, but now it's kind of hit or miss. I eat super high fiber stuff (carrots, lots and lots of kashi high-fiber cereals, tons of vegetables). it really sucks.
I take in some grape nuts or the equivalent in the kashi stuff, and it helps me out quite a bit :)


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