Monday, March 13, 2006

10,000 yds last week & new bike

In the theme of recent swimming related posts, I swam about 10,000 yds last week. Nice! My swimming has come a long way recently and I've gotten a lot faster and I feel like my stroke is really good. Very smooth and relaxed. My shoulder was hurting at one point from too much swimming, but it's doing better now.

I bought a new bike. It's a 2004 Fuji Roubaix. One of the guys at work decided he was going to buy a decent road bike and start riding. Well, this guy is 6'2" and about 270 lbs. He rode it about 3 times and it has been sitting in his garage for a long time. I decided that it would be a good idea to get a beater bike because I didn't want to ride my Cervelo Dual in the rain and stuff like that. I asked him about selling his bike and he was all for it. We worked out a price and I now have a decent beater bike. I can ride it in the rain and take it traveling and not worry about screwing up my good bike. It's a Shimano 105 drivetrain and a 58cm aluminum frame. It's a little big for me, but I can change out the stem and move the saddle forward a bit and I should then be fine.

I took it out on my long rides the past 2 Saturdays. When I took it out the first weekend, I freaking wrecked it. Damnit. It wasn't bad. I scratched up the STI shifter caps slightly as well as the rear derailleur a little. It was very minor. I was just going along and I wasn't paying attention. I looked up and I was maybe 2" from the curb. I skidded along the curb for awhile and finally fell over. I have some minor road rash on my shin, but it wasn't bad at all.

This past weekend, I rode the bike for another 60 miles. I liked it and Lauren said that she thinks I'm faster on the Fuji than I am on the Cervelo. I think it is because I have the STI shifters that I can control my cadence much better. On the Cervelo, I just tend to keep it in the gear that I'm in and just hammer through tougher spots. On the Fuji, it's so much easier to shift to a different gear. I did notice that the top end of the Fuji is a lot lower than my Cervelo. I can spin out of gears much, much easier on the Fuji. That can be fixed though, but I'm happy with the bike.

Finally, my knee is jacked up again. I'm having the same pain that I was when I hurt my right knee over 2 years ago hiking. Not fun. I'm going to go to the doctor this week and get it checked out. I didn't have any catastrophic injuries, but this is keeping me from running distances. Since running is my weakest sport, I can't not run.

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