Sunday, January 29, 2012

I'm running again

I'm running again but it isn't to the level that I want obviously. My lower abs are feeling better and the direction from my PT is to ease into it but I can run. My abs will start to hurt at the beginning of the run and then will ease up. Once they start feeling worse, stop because then I'm just hurting myself further. So far, I'm running 3-5 miles about twice a week but I'm going to start ratcheting that up over the next few weeks. I have lost some speed and endurance but not that much. Oh, 2 weeks in Europe with only 2 workouts didn't help either.

Additionally, my roommate and I are challenging each other to go full (or at least 90%) paleo for the month of February. When I was on full paleo the first time, I really felt good. I had a lot more energy, I wasn't as tired, and I just felt good and clean all over. I'm going to be trying to get back there. The biggest challenge that I have is the discipline in saying no to foods that I like to eat but aren't paleo and that it takes prep work to eat paleo. Right now, if I'm strapped for time, I just go out and grab something quickly. However, paleo options for doing that are few and far between. This will make me think ahead though.

Weight: 192

Weekly run mileage 4 weeks ago: 3 miles
Weekly run mileage 3 weeks ago: 0 miles
Weekly run mileage 2 weeks ago: 6 miles
Weekly run mileage: 8 miles

Asics mileage: 17 miles

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