Sunday, December 29, 2013


LSD (long slow distance) is what I've been prescribed by my PT for running right now.  I want to run faster and do intervals and tempo runs but my knees aren't too happy with it right now.  I need to build back with slower miles, 9min/mile or slower, until my knees feel fine after the runs.  Sometimes they will be sore after and other times they'll hurt for the rest of the day and sometimes they will hurt the next day as well.  So, my PT said to slow it down so I'll do that for at least 2 more weeks.  Then, we will reassess and go from there.

I did some intervals on Tuesday.  After a 2.5 mile warm up, I did 8x400m at the Austin High track.  Hurt like fucking hell but it is what is needed.  I did them at about 1:50 per 400m which isn't fast by any means but I have to start somewhere.  Unfortunately, I won't be able to do that workout again for a few weeks.

Holidays suck because my weight is all over the place.  It is expected but I'm not having any major swings so that is good.  The key for me is alcohol so if I can control that, I'm golden.

This week: 17.5 miles

Asics mileage: 95.5 miles

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