Wednesday, June 4, 2014

{insert title here}

I couldn't think of anything relevant to say so I just put something funnyish in the title.

The good thing is that I seem to be better about updating my training blog.  The bad thing is that I still think I'm the only person that reads it.  Two weeks ago was a meh week.  Work was kicking my ass so I skipped a few workouts.  My run mileage for the week reflects it.
Last week, my run mileage was the highest it has been in a long time at 20.5 miles.  I also switched out shoes because I started to get a bit of plantar fasciitis in my right foot and was having overall lower body pains.  I think they had 320 miles or so so it was time to change them.

The heat is picking up as it gets closer to summer in Texas.  The result of that is that I run slower.  I don't think it is really the heat but more the humidity that knocks me down a few pegs.  I'm focused on running as I usually am since it is my weakest sport.  I've been getting about 2 swims and 2 bike rides in a week.  I'm not following the training plan 100% but I'm about 75-80% which is fine considering my goals this year.  I'm also starting to fit in more weights which helps with the right knee pain that I have.  Overall, I'm feeling pretty good since I'm not putting a lot of pressure on myself and I'm still having fun.  There are definitely times where beer, ice cream, and the couch seem much more appealing, but I just gotta get out the door.

My weight dipped down to 185 from 190 in 5 weeks.  Then I hit 185 2 weeks in a row.  Right now, I'm up a few pounds so I'm concerned about what is going on.  I feel that I'm eating fairly healthy with a few unhealthy meals here and there.  I think the weight loss may be due to dehydration so I've been making sure to hydrate this week to see where I weigh in on Friday.  However, people are saying that I'm looking leaner and that I've lost inches.  I do feel a bit leaner, but not drastically leaner.  My clothes are looser, but I think I build a lot of muscle from swimming.

2 weeks ago: 11.5 miles
Last week: 20.5 miles

Old Asics mileage: 321.5 miles
New Asics mileage: 16.5 miles

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