Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I'm not feeling healthy

I had this feeling since right around Thanksgiving. Yes, it is the holidays but even at this point after the glutony of sugar rich foods, I still feel unhealthy. I'm exercising more days than not, I'm getting about 8 hours of sleep a night, and I'm eating somewhat healthy (for me, not *that* healthy but I would still get called a health nut by 95% of the population). Even with all of this, I still feel like crap. I don't know what the hell is going on right now. I was sick the weekend before last weekend and I've been a booger factory since then, but I should be feeling better by now, right?

This past weekend was a 4.5 mile run on Saturday and then 2800m swim on Sunday. I still wasn't feeling that strong. Monday's weigh in was 198. I did 4.5 miles yesterday around the track at work and I have another run tonight with Texas Iron.

New Balance mileage: 101.5 miles

Weekly run mileage: 13.5 miles
Weekly swim distance: 5500m


Jodi said...

It must be prolonged PMS. At least that's what I'm blaming my down phase as...



ps. There is definitely a very hearty bug going around. I hope you can shake it soon!

Colleen Renee' Wilson said...

Are you feeling better? I am sorry dude...for sure Me and the Zilla meeting you for some Yoga Yoga. Should we bring the masks?


Coach Bill said...

Eric - nice blog and I wish you all the luck on your trainnig. I was hoping that we could trade links to our blogs - I am posting now about marathon training but will be moving to IM training when my next groups starts in Feb?

here is my link


thanks and hope you feel better soon


Dances with Corgis said...

haha :) i like jodi's comment.

hope you are feeling better soon, eric!


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