Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Town Lake Trail distance changes

I normally run around Town Lake for all of my long runs. The trail is crushed gravel so it's easier on my joints, there are water stops, and the "scenery" is quite nice. I used to use the distances from this map, but a new map was published and this is it. If you compared the two maps, I usually run the 3 shorter loops and the changes in the distances is quite significant. The short loop went from 2.9 to 3.47 miles, the middle loop went from 4.1 to 4.55 miles and the long loop is now 4.94 miles instead of 4.5 miles. I measured out the longer loop using MyMyRun and it also got around 4.94 miles or so. A lot of other people have complained how the old 4.5 mile loop is closer to 5 miles and this map reflects it. With that stated, I like to think that the newer map is more accurate for the short and medium loops as well.

Now, today I ran a medium loop and then a short loop. Based on the old distances, I ran 7 miles, but ran 8 miles based on the new distances. This is huge because it's a difference of 8:43/mile versus 7:38/mile. What the hell? That's around a 10% improvement without me doing a single thing. Ok, that's not bad at all, but it's frustrating that I've been using wrong distances to calculate my pace around Town Lake for years now. I guess I'm happy that I'm running "faster" now.

New Balance mileage: 76.5


Unknown said...

Another opinion : http://www.townlaketrail.org/associations/4559/files/TownLakeTrailMap_02.pdf

Me said...

That is the map that I'll use from now on because I think it is the most accurate from the times that I get.


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