Monday, January 18, 2010

Things I can't do:

Running, elliptical, swimming, yoga. Things I can do: bicycling, water running, weights. With a combination of my stress fractured toe and some weird back thing that I have going on, my activity at the moment is pretty limited. However, I am trying to get as much bicycling, water running, and weight in as possible. Bicycling is through spin classes with cute chicks but I want to get out on the road and play with my new toy: Garmin 310XT. I'm doing a bit more weights and trying to do physical therapy, body weight, and core stuff instead of trying to squat plates and bench press. I just need more functional stuff. As for water running, it is still boring as hell, but interval training while water running makes it better.

My diet is going OK. I weighed in at 190.5 this morning. Of course, I would like to be lower, but I've been struggling with the no wheat thing the last few days. Wheat tastes delicious and when I go out, I can't get about 80% of the things on the menu which is tough. I'm getting tired of my breakfast fare and need something new. I'll try this diet for about 6 months and see the results (weight, body fat %, and blood work) before I decide to try something different.

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