Saturday, March 27, 2010

Overdue Update

I started a new job this week so I really haven't had time to really update much. I did workout a decent amount last week and I actually put in 11.5 miles which is the big thing. I haven't been in the pool in a long time but I was hitting the weights a decent amount and got maybe 2 bike rides in. Now that I'm working again, my goal is to get in one workout per day for a couple of weeks and then try to move back to two-a-days after that. My weight has gone up a couple of pounds this week which isn't good but I don't know why because I haven't been drinking so I don't know what's going on. Oh well, I'll get back on the wagon and start losing weight again soon. I'm actually above 190 again at the moment which doesn't make me happy.

Weekly run mileage: 11.5 miles
Asics mileage: 151.5 miles


Ultragrrl said...

Good to hear you are alive!

Me said...

Yep, still alive. Just busy at the moment with work and making that adjustment.


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