Sunday, March 14, 2010

We now return to your regularly scheduled workout program

After the bike wreck, 3 weeks ago today exactly, I'm back to a normal workout schedule. I ran on Monday, rode twice on Tuesday, ran on Wednesday, no freaking clue what I did Thursday, core and spin class at 0'dark thirty on Friday, nothing on Saturday, and then 4 mile run and 22 mile ride today. I'm still having a bit of rib pain but it is definitely decreasing. My hip is sore to the touch but doesn't impede me at all while exercising. I thought my ribs would hurt more on Friday from the core work but it wasn't that bad. I'll be doing upper body tomorrow so we'll see how that goes. I'm glad that I have nearly full range of movement in my torso again because my posture was being affected negatively from the bike wreck i.e. I was slightly hunched over all the time. As expected, working out hurts like hell because my LT is pretty low, but after today's ride, I feel it coming back already. On Tuesday, I'll be back with Texas Iron and that run will surely make me want to puke, but I love it.

Weekly run mileage: 10 miles
Asics mileage: 140 miles

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