Monday, March 1, 2010

February Weight

On the first day of Feb, I weighed 190. I jumped up to 192 pretty quickly, but came down to about 188 9 days ago. 8 days ago, I had a bike wreck and the only physical activity that I've done since then is 30 minutes of elliptical twice. Today, I still weighed 188. On my old diet, I would've been up a couple of pounds by now. Since I'm on this paleoish/natural foods diet, I was able to maintain my weight even without exercising. And that's a good thing. I started running again and that felt OK, but the bike wreck has delayed my training a bit. One week out and I'm feeling a lot better, but still not nearly as active as I want to be. It'll get better and I plan on getting back on the bike this week and maybe trying running again on Sunday.

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