Sunday, January 30, 2011

Another 16 Miles

Hey, I'm showing some consistency with running. 15 miles the last 2 weeks and then 16 miles the past week. Very nice for me. My hip flexor is feeling much better this week as well and I'm getting it worked on. It's almost a non-issue at this point with the exception of a few ab exercises. Stretching it out beforehand definitely makes it feel better. At this point, my knee is the problem. I'm getting it worked on as well and it's actually getting worse before it is getting better. I know that it'll happen but it is still frustrating. I did have a great workout with Texas Iron on Tuesday. Friday was my long run instead of Sunday and it was nice being lazy today. Well, not that lazy since I went to yoga today to get my downward dog on. Also, I ordered these guys which should be here within a week. My current pair are feeling fine so we'll see how much longer they last.

Weekly run mileage: 16 miles
Asics run mileage: 245 miles

Monday, January 24, 2011

Another 15 miles

Yep, another 15 miles. Had a good interval workout on Tuesday with Texas Iron and then a short run on Thursday. Sunday was a decent long run that felt rough. I think the weight lifting has made my legs heavier. I got through it, but it wasn't easy and it wasn't super rough either. But it was a run which is better than not a run.

Weekly run mileage: 15 miles
Asics mileage: 229 miles

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Slimy Hat

Yes, this is something that I never expected to talk about. I went for a run this past weekend and I wore my running hat since it was cold and rainy. When I got done with my run, I took off my hat and it felt weird. I threw it on the counter and walked away. I came back to pick it up and it definitely felt weird. I felt around more and my hat felt slimy. Not just a little bit but a lot over a large portion of the hat. Something about it getting wet made the nastiness on the hat congeal and become disgust. Oh, and when I picked up the hat, there was slime on the counter where it had been. That hat went into the washer 5 minutes later and now it isn't so slimy.

Run mileage last week was about 15 miles. Not bad and my body is feeling soso. Sometimes it feels good and sometimes it feels bad. Who the hell knows what will be hurting when I run. I did have a good TI workout on Tuesday with mile repeats of 7:41, 7:27, and 7:08. Felt great. Did a run to the gym, workout, run from the gym on Saturday and a longish run later Sunday. I really should've done the Sunday run earlier in the day.

Weekly run mileage: 15 miles
Asics mileage: 214 miles

Monday, January 10, 2011

I was lazy

I was lazy last week. Nothing to it besides that. I could've done a few more workouts but just didn't feel like doing them. So, I need to dig deep and find some motivation again because I feel like I've regressed in nearly everything the last 2 weeks. I was doing well up until Christmas and then I just said "Fuck it!" and have been off the wagon since then. Well, I'm back on the wagon damnit.

Weekly run mileage: 10 miles
Asics mileage: 199 miles

Sunday, January 2, 2011

My body remembers

Well, I think I'm fairly healthy again. My knee isn't bothering me nearly as much anymore. Well, I can't say that because I have good days and bad days. For my sports hernia, it is much better although I've been doing nearly nothing for PT. Anyways, on Tuesday, I did a run workout with Texas Iron and it hurt like hell. Had an easy run on Thursday and then did the New Year's Underwear Run where I was actually running fairly fast for me uphill and downhill. It was about 4 miles but I was definitely pushing the pace. Then, tonight, I did the neighborhood 5K and I set a PR for it. I don't know what was up with me but it felt good running that loop at a 7:36/mile pace. And I still had gas left, too. My total time was 23:33 and I started off well because I got to the stop sign in under 10:00 which was a first for me. I don't know what it was, me being well rested, I had a full belly, it was cool outside, but this was a nice, quick run. I guess my body does remember how to run fast (for me). We'll see how it goes this week with Texas Iron workouts.

Weekly run mileage: 15.5 miles
Asics mileage: 189 miles

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