Sunday, January 30, 2011

Another 16 Miles

Hey, I'm showing some consistency with running. 15 miles the last 2 weeks and then 16 miles the past week. Very nice for me. My hip flexor is feeling much better this week as well and I'm getting it worked on. It's almost a non-issue at this point with the exception of a few ab exercises. Stretching it out beforehand definitely makes it feel better. At this point, my knee is the problem. I'm getting it worked on as well and it's actually getting worse before it is getting better. I know that it'll happen but it is still frustrating. I did have a great workout with Texas Iron on Tuesday. Friday was my long run instead of Sunday and it was nice being lazy today. Well, not that lazy since I went to yoga today to get my downward dog on. Also, I ordered these guys which should be here within a week. My current pair are feeling fine so we'll see how much longer they last.

Weekly run mileage: 16 miles
Asics run mileage: 245 miles

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