Sunday, January 2, 2011

My body remembers

Well, I think I'm fairly healthy again. My knee isn't bothering me nearly as much anymore. Well, I can't say that because I have good days and bad days. For my sports hernia, it is much better although I've been doing nearly nothing for PT. Anyways, on Tuesday, I did a run workout with Texas Iron and it hurt like hell. Had an easy run on Thursday and then did the New Year's Underwear Run where I was actually running fairly fast for me uphill and downhill. It was about 4 miles but I was definitely pushing the pace. Then, tonight, I did the neighborhood 5K and I set a PR for it. I don't know what was up with me but it felt good running that loop at a 7:36/mile pace. And I still had gas left, too. My total time was 23:33 and I started off well because I got to the stop sign in under 10:00 which was a first for me. I don't know what it was, me being well rested, I had a full belly, it was cool outside, but this was a nice, quick run. I guess my body does remember how to run fast (for me). We'll see how it goes this week with Texas Iron workouts.

Weekly run mileage: 15.5 miles
Asics mileage: 189 miles

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