Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Swimming with one arm

I swam on Saturday morning and my shoulder was acting up. This is frustrating because the pain in my shoulder keeps moving around. I'm really going to start getting some PT done on it to get it better. I figured something out on Saturday though. I figured out a way to get to swim without hurting my shoulder too much. If I'm doing an interval at 90%, my right arm is going at 90% but my left arm is going only at 40-50%. My left arm just goes through the motions without adding much forward motion to it. I make up for it by kicking more which makes my coaches happy. After that was a 1.25 hour bike ride with Texas Iron.

Sunday was the Couples Tri. Long story short is that I showed up to do parking, but I ended up coordinating the entire run course and was one of the last people to leave. It was fun, though, and I've never done anything like that before. I think I did well.

Monday was a 190 weigh in with a core workout after work and then a 2500m swim after that. I think that doing a core/weights workout immediately before a swim workout with a bum shoulder is a very, very bad idea and I'm not going to do it for awhile.

Tuesday was a Tuesday nighter ride where I felt horrible and I was dropped by the B pack in under 2 minutes and I'm not even joking at all. It felt good to get on the bike though. I need to get Fiona tuned up though because she's very noisy when I ride her but Sophia needs to go into the shop which is going to happen today.

Today was a weight session at lunch and then the Couples Tri volunteer party tonight. Should be fun.

My left foot is feeling better. It has been sore the last few days because I was on my feet a lot on Sunday which made it sore. I really thought it was getting better but it felt better because I haven't tested it out much. I see a PT next week and I should have my replacement orthotics by then as well.

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