Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

The good stuff is that I took it pretty light this past weekend. My weigh in on Friday was 186.5, Monday was 188.5, but today I was back down to 187. I had a decent swim on Sunday morning and this morning.

The bad stuff was that I went 19:36 at the time trial on Thursday night and the last 3 times were 19:37, 19:39, and 19:45. I can't get much faster no matter what the conditions. Other than that, I didn't ride my bike the rest of the weekend partly because of The Ugly.

The ugly stuff was that as I was warming up for the time trial, I came --> <-- this close to getting hit by a car. I've been buzzed before but I ended up on the ground this time. I was barreling down Mopac for the warmup and there is a part where cars cut across to get to the tennis club. Someone went in front of me and I thought it was a bit too close. The person behind them was a complete idiot. They started, saw me and stopped. Not a problem until they decided that they could make it in front of me and started going again when I was doing about 28mph. Luckily, they stopped the second time without running me over but it was very close. I had to turn to the right or I would've hit their front bumper. I was in this mess of trying to stop, turn, get out of my pedals, trying bailing and trying to not bail at the same time. I got past the car and hit the ground. I got up immediately just in time to see the car drive off without stopping to check to see if I was OK. I have some nice bruises, I was mentally rattled a bit, and I have some scratches on my bike. I was pissed but lucky as well and now I don't want to talk about this anymore except for the fact that by the end of this weekend, there will be a Please Be Kind To Cyclist sign at that intersection.

1 comment:

Colleen Renee' Wilson said...

Eric, I hope you are ok....I am sorry that happened. How are you doing now? OK? My landlord is the guy that started Be Kind to Cyclists...cool dude.


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