Wednesday, April 30, 2008

LT Workout For Sure

I did the Tuesday Nighter and I actually was there on time. The B pack left and I was quite surprised. I was able to hold onto the pack for a full 2 laps. Most of the time I barely make 1/3 of a lap. I just have to say that it is really cool doing 25-30mph in a pack of 20 people about 1' from each other. It's fun as hell. My heart rate was 152 bpm or higher for about 55% of the time with a max of 178bpm. At one point it was a bit crazy because someone passed me on the left going around a left hand turn. Well, they brushed my shoulder and I ended up getting a bit squirrely. I thought I was going to completely bite it, but I didn't and was able to keep the rubber side down. Everyone else started yelling at this guy because he shouldn't have done that. It was fun and hopefully I'll have a good ride next week as well.

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