Friday, April 27, 2007


Well, let's do the usual update my training for 4 days in 4 sentences when I've been lazy and haven't updated my blog in awhile. Tuesday was an easy 4.5 mile run during lunch at work. Wednesday was a 27 mile bike ride with some guys from work at an easy 17.1mph average. Thursday was a Texas Iron hill repeat bike workout. Ok, this will take more than 1 sentence. The hill repeat was 1.2 miles to the bottom and then 1.2 miles back up with a gradual incline, but long climb. I did 6 of these intervals and I got faster at each one. My heart rate did climb for almost every interval. I also discovered something. Well, I've been thinking about this for awhile but this workout kind of just convinced me. I'm a better climber in the big chainring. Common practice is if you are climbing to spin up in the small chainring. However, I found that when I climb, my cadence is higher, I feel better, and I go faster if I'm in the big chainring. The only down side is that my heart rate is 3-5bpm higher. I'm going on the ATC ride tomorrow so I'll try all the hills in the big chainring and see how I feel during the ride.

My weight was 187.5 this morning. For some reason, I just haven't been that disciplined with my weight loss. Next week, I'll get back on the wagon. One reason for that is because I can swim again. My tattoo has healed enough that I should be able to swim so I'll be up at 5am on Monday morning to swim with T3. Another benefit about my tattoo healing is that I can shave my legs again and the tat looks great with my legs shaved.

I'm thinking about getting some new aerobars for my bike. I'm kind of bored with it and I want to do something to upgrade it. I'm thinking about getting the Vision Tech flat base bar and the Vision Tech TT clip-on aerobars. I was thinking about going with an integrated setup, but I like the adjustability of having separate components. I also want internal cable housing just to clean up the appearance of my bike as well. Oh, and I'm going to put on red bar tape to match the paint of my bike. Does anyone have any suggestions about this?

Shoe mileage: 317.5 miles

1 comment:

-Brandon said... should try the Blackwell bars. They are the most comfortable aerobars that I've ever used. Not the super expensive concord, but the clip on. I also have the profile design basebar.

OR, if you want a pair of vision R/S whatever bends, I have a pair that are almost new that I'd let you try. I thought they were sold on ST, but I have not got a buyer yet.


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