Sunday, November 26, 2006


Went cycling today. It was great. The high is suppose to be about 75 so it was 65-70 when I left. I had my arm warmers on but I quickly took them off. This was actually the first time I rode a bike on the roads since IMFL and it felt great. I tried to take it easy but towards the end of the ride I pushed it a little bit. I don't know what my ride time was by the total time was 2:03 so I guess I did 35 miles or so. As usual, the Austin Wind was out and was blowing from the southeast. Actually, today it seemed to be coming from every direction. It's crazy how it's like that almost every single day I ride.

The main reason I rode is because I'm feeling very fat. I'm going to hop on the scale tomorrow and I'm afraid of what it'll say. I'm guessing somewhere around 188 but we'll see. I'm getting back into a regular workout schedule so that's good. I have nothing but clean and healthy food in my house, too. I'm also going to pick up weight lifting and yoga again since I haven't done either of those things in months.

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