Monday, April 17, 2006

Would you like a salad with your swimming?

Lauren and I swam at Barton Springs tonight for about 25 minutes. It was disgusting. It was crowded with people and there was all kinds of moss floating in the water. I got at least one good mouthful and the water smelled really bad. Not fun at all. I don't really like swimming at BS, but it's decent open water swimming in town. It was just nasty tonight though. I was suppose to swim for 45 minutes, but after Lauren was done I got out as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow how times change! I was on SlowTwitch and saw your link; jumped over read your blog on BS. I was stationed at Ft. Hood early 80's and made several trips to Austin and BS. I remember it being clear and cold. Very refreshing on the hot Texas afternoons.


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