Friday, June 22, 2007

The flu weight loss plan!

Hey, having the flu is great for weight loss! I was down to 183.5 today. I took a sick day from work yesterday. Most of the time when I do, I feel like crap in the morning but get better throughout the day to the point where I can do stuff later in the day. Yesterday, I was on the couch all day long. I felt horrible. I had a fever and I had no strength at all. I'm much better today though and I'm back at work.

Getting sick happens, but I'm really pissed that it happened this week. I was on pace to run 25 miles this week and that isn't going to happen now. I did 5 Tuesday and on Thursday, I was suppose to run another 6-7 miles. A brick run on Saturday would have put me at 5 more and then I expected to do 10-11 on Sunday. That would have been 27 actually. Now, I didn't get the Thursday run in and Saturday's brick run probably won't be that long. Sunday I should be good enough to do 10 miles so I'll still get in 18 or so. Next week is a recovery week so maybe the week after I'll get 20+ miles in.

1 comment:

Dances with Corgis said...

Glad you are feeling better. :)

You'll get those miles in next week :)


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