Sunday, June 10, 2007

Sunday Run

I did my Sunday long run today. Did 8.2 miles as usual and like the previous long runs lately, it was hot and humid. I was completely soaked by about 30 minutes into the run. I did see Betsie and Spencer so it was somewhat of a social run, too. I wore my TNT shirt and I had 10 people that I've never seen before in my life say hi to me. Kinda cool. I really need to get some sleeveless performance fabric shirts to run in. I really think that would help with the heat. The only sleeveless shirts that I have are cotton tshirts and the only performance fabric shirts I have are short or long sleeved. My body felt OK today on the run. Once again, it was just an easy run. My left knee was bothering me a bit but it's fine now. Lately, the biggest problems that I've been having are blisters. Last week, I got one on my second toe on my left foot from where my big toe was rubbing it or something. Got the same problem today with a different pair of shoes. I also got a blister a few weeks ago on my right foot on the 2nd toe as well. I think I need to cut off my 2nd toes on each foot. After the normal run, I did 2 laps around the track barefoot. Seriously, that was the easiest part of the run today were those 2 barefoot laps. That was when the run felt the most natural and effortless.

New Balance mileage: 22 miles
Nike mileage: 30.5 miles
Weekly run mileage: 18 miles (Would've had over 20 if I ran on Thursday)


mcoker said...

you're trying to save money right? run shirtless.

And pick up some nike free's if you like the barefoot thing, they're fucking awesome. And cheap.

Dances with Corgis said...

I have the same thing happen to me in Central park when I wear my TNT mentor shirt. I get all kinds of "Whoo, Team in training!" and "Go team!" 's at me :)


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