Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Tracky Hill Workout

Well, I had a tracky hill workout tonight. We did mile repeats around the mile loop at Barton Springs. The reason why I call it a hill workout is because there is a nasty hill on this mile loop. I felt like crap and I failed to maintain my intervals. Not much to say about it. Actually, I just had a crappy workout day overall since my swim this morning wasn't a great workout either. I didn't sleep well last night and I just wasn't there mentally today. I'm in kind of a funk the last few days and that has been affecting me.

New Balance mileage: 13.5 miles
Nike mileage: 27.5 miles


Dances with Corgis said...

Some good days, some bad days. still, an investment in the bank!

Jodi said...

The good thing about funks is they end. And they make you appreciate the good days so much more!




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