Friday, June 15, 2007

Quick Update

I've been taking it pretty easy this week. I'm off of work and I've been working on my bathroom remodel all this week. Right now, that's more important than a regular training plan. The only workout this week that I've done is a run last night. I did 5.5 miles in 44 minutes around Town Lake. It was about to rain and Jamie sent us off on a fartlek run just to get something in. I was feeling slow and heavy like I have been feeling lately when I run. A part of it is that once I try pushing myself, my lungs seem to give out when I run. They are fine on the bike and the swim when I push myself, but they don't work on the run. I'll start taking my asthma medication more religiously. Oh, the run left me with a bloodied toe. I didn't even feel it during the run but I got home, took off my shoe, and my sock was red. Apparently, the pinky toenail was digging into the next toe which caused some bleeding. This weekend I plan on starting to do some longer rides to start building up for the half Ironman that I'm doing in October. Long boring rides in the Texas summer heat. Fun!

Weight update: 184.5 lbs this morning. Makes me happy because it's going down again.

New Balance mileage: 27.5 miles
Nike mileage: 30.5 miles

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