Friday, September 22, 2006

I had an Oreo today. Well, half of one.

At the beginning of last week, I implemented my "no junk food" rule and cut out a lot of crap from my diet cold turkey style. I gave in a bit today. There has been some Caramel Creme Oreos sitting on the fridge for a few days now. They've been tempting me all week. I decided to indulge in one today for some reason. I ate half of the Oreo and threw the other half away. It was nasty. I didn't like it because of the flavor, but most importantly it was too sweet. They say that it takes 21 days of doing something to form a habit. On the reverse side of that it should take 21 days to break a habit, right? Ok, that makes no sense, but that's been my goal: 21 days of no sugar. I'm on Day 12 right now and I wanted to vomit because I ate an Oreo. I haven't had any chocolate or donuts or candy bars or cupcakes or other sweets which are so prevelant at work. I've been good and I'll keep being good. Hopefully this will disappear my sweet tooth (except for ice cream) and that's a good step towards living healthier. I still crave some foods that are unhealthy like pizza and breakfast tacos, but they aren't the sweet things that I seem to have an addiction to and constantly defeats my will power. Well, no more.

I had an LT test done today. I'm getting my VO2max test done today. My finger hurts from getting stuck like 8 times. Ouchie. I'll post the results once I get them.

I did a 60min bike workout with Texas Iron yesterday. 2 easy laps and then 3 hard laps with 3min rest in between. It was fun to get my heart rate up. My legs were dead, heavy, and tired at first, but they loosened up quite a bit. I talked to Jamie about my foot and this is what he recommends. In 2.5 weeks so the week starting 09 OCT, to do 2 15min runs. Next week, 3 15min runs. Week after that, a 15min, 20min, 15min run. Next week, do 2 20min runs before IMFL on that Saturday. He says to get my body used to some impact so IMFL will be easier. I'll take his advice because I really want to run again and these runs will be short enough and at a low enough intensity that they shouldn't bother my foot too badly. So, I will be running somewhat before IMFL and that makes me happy.

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