Sunday, September 10, 2006

Saturday Ride

I rode for about 40 miles on Saturday. I was suppose to do a 30min run (aquajog) afterwards, but I left my wallet at home so I went and had breakfast tacos at ATC afterwards instead. I was going to go and do an aquajog later, but I was busy for the rest of the day. Making my workout plans around aquajogging is really a fucking pain in the ass. Barton Springs is closed next weekend and I have to do at least one 2.5 hour aquajog. I don't know where I'm going go now. Maybe Deep Eddy but that's really a short distance to aquajog. That's nearly like a hamster running in a wheel, but if I have to do it, I'll do it.

I'm trying to come up with ideas about coaching for after Florida. I'm on a limited budget for tri coaching. I want to start taking a masters swim class so that I have others to swim with and I don't have to deal with the people at Stacy in the morning. I feel like I get much faster much quicker if I do this instead of swimming by myself. I also want someone to work with me on my running form. Anyone have any suggestions?

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