Friday, March 9, 2007

Another great swim

I had another great swim this morning. Also, I had someone to pace off of and push me so that was the main reason why I joined a masters swim program. This guy pushed me so much more than I would have done on my own. There were so many points where I felt like my eyeballs were going to explode. I swam 3500yds.

Last night was an evil workout with Texas Iron. After the warmup and drills and strides, we did 10x1min all out, 1min rest. We didn't keep track of our watches so we had Jamie and Andrea yelling "Go!" and "Stop!". They said to do every one as fast as possible. Man, did it hurt really badly, but it was good. I couldn't get my heart rate above 180 so I think that might be my new max heart rate. That concerns me because it was up around 190 only 2 years ago. Today, my hamstrings are sore from the sprint workout.

I skipped the core workout on Wednesday night because my body was saying "Rest" to me. I slept almost 10 hours on Wednesday night.

Also, this morning I weight in at 187lbs. I'll probably be at 186.5 or below after the weekend. Woohoo! I'm excited that my discipline is paying off and I'm finally starting to see decent progress.

Shoe mileage: 233.5 miles

1 comment:

Dances with Corgis said...

Good job on the swim, dude! Also, way to listen to your bod and throw in some rest. Sounds like you're getting it done these days :)


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