Saturday, March 24, 2007

Feeling better

I'm feeling a lot better now. I didn't go to work on Thursday and slept a bunch, cleaned my house, and did nothing. I skipped working out on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday and just rested. Went to Hong's dinner party on Friday night. It was funny because everyone ate until they were stuffed and then started doing crazy yoga poses in normal clothes and stuff like that. BTW, doing pigeon pose or crow pose in jeans isn't fun. There was one guy that teaches yoga and his girlfriend and another guy that used to take gymnastics for years and then there was me who was a little more husky than those two guys. It was a blast, though.

Did the ATC ride this morning. It probably wasn't the smartest thing to do since I really wanted to take it easy today. I ended up holding on pretty well at first. It felt like I was going to puke a few times though. Once we turned on to Bee Caves, I was blown and took it easy the rest of the way. I did the the Hwy 71 hill in the big chainring as well. I'm starting to feel really strong on the bike again. I can push a hard gear and not get that tired. Hopefully, I'll do better on the ride when I'm not recovering from being sick.

After that, did a brick run and it actually did not hurt that bad at all. I ran at what felt like a very easy and comfortable pace but my HR was elevated. After the run and for the rest of the day, I felt fine. Most of the time, my legs hurt a bit in different spots. Some days my knees will hurt, others my hamstrings and sometimes my calves. Today, everything felt great. Quite surprised.

Shoe mileage: 262.5 miles


Dances with Corgis said...

Eric!! So glad to hear you are feeling better... take it easy and don't amp up too quickly,

Me said...

Amp it up too quickly? Me? No way! Luckily, I have a taper next week for a race next weekend so that is just good timing.


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