Monday, June 4, 2007

Sunday Run

Nothing special but I did a long run yesterday. I went out with the mentality that it was going to be a slow, long run and it was. I wasn't pushing myself that much and my times reflected it with about 8:45/mile. It didn't hurt as bad as the run on Saturday, either. It was hot and humid as expected. I felt fine but I felt my metatarsals on my left foot a bit and that is starting to bother me. I guess it's time to start wearing my orthodics again and see if they help at all. Today, my ankles are a little sore and my right hip is pretty sore, specifically in the tensor fasciae latae. I guess I need to do more exercise this week. I really tried to work on my from with a slight forward lean from the ankles and not the hips. Oh, mango Powershots are nasty.

New Balance mileage: 7.5 miles
Nike mileage: 27.5 miles
Weekly run mileage: 16 miles


Dances with Corgis said...

Busting out "metatarsals" on us, huh? :)

Glad you had a good run. I've never tried a mango powergel although did have a "pure energy" flavored one that was pretty gross recently.

Me said...

I'm surprised that "metatarsals" got you but you didn't say anything about "tensor fasciae latae".


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