Monday, May 28, 2007

CapTexTri Race Report: Rained Out

I paid $125 dollars to stand underneath a tent for an hour and a half this morning before they called off the race. I'm not that pissed about it but it does suck because I love racing. I was under the tent but my bag wasn't and everything in there is soaked and is now strewn across my garage floor drying. It was fun playing in the rain though. Even though I didn't race, I'm still going to sit on my ass all day long, eat pizza, and drink beer.


Dances with Corgis said...

They don't refund you?! That is BS.

I like your last sentence of this blog entry quite a lot! :)

So sorry that the race got cancelled, Eric.

Me said...

No refund and that's typical of most races. I expect that 80% or more of my race entry is spent before race day and I wouldn't want the RD to go bankrupt because of Mother Nature. However, I'm sure a rained out race is a lot more profitable than a race that is actually put on. Because of that, if the race entry fee goes up even $1 next year, I'm boycotting the race and making sure that the RD knows about it as well.

Now, time for some pizza and beer.

Robert said...

Tough luck on the cancellation.

I hate to harp; however, all USCF (united states cycling federation) races are held rain or shine, and cost easily half to a quarter of any triathlons.

Go out and try the Thursday Night crit. You won't regret it.


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