Thursday, May 3, 2007

New Autobahn PR!

This morning I ran. I did 30 minutes with 3 strides which is about 3.5 miles or so. Nothing special there.

Then tonight was the autobahn time trial with Texas Iron. I love doing this time trial loop. It's about 8 miles long and it's pretty intense. It isn't flat and it's subject to wind so it isn't easy either. It's fun. The first time I did it was in 2005 and I had a time of around 20:18. It was really, really hot that day and I really pushed myself. I remember seeing my heart rate hit 188. After that, I got heat exhaustion or something like that and I ended up getting sick the next day. That started a string of me getting sick 4 times in 4 weeks and each one was different. The last time I did it was in August of last year. My time was 19:45 so it was an improvement. It was very windy so it was a tough day. Today, I was really, really looking forward it. I got out there and went as hard as I could go. I felt like I was going to puke about 3 times. The first time was when I burped and I tasted bacon, guacamole, and orange Gatorade. Yum. I kept going and I kept hurting. I didn't take the hills as hard as I used to but I still took them hard. At the turn around, I came in at around 10 minutes. Usually, I can do the back half of the loop in about a minute faster so I was looking to go under 19 if possible. I kept going and man I was hurting. I was pushing it and trying to use my momentum to work up the hills the best that I could. Oh, I passed a ton of people, too. I topped the last hill and looked at my watch. I wasn't going to break 19:00 but I couldn't give up. I crossed the line and found out that my time was 19:38 with an average speed of 24.4mph. I PR'ed by 7 seconds and was the 4th fastest person of the night. I'm happy with it. My max heart rate for the time trial was 174bpm and my avg HR was 165bpm. So, that's how I PR'ed this loop tonight and I'm looking forward to getting another PR the next time I do this loop.

And tomorrow is a well needed rest day.

Shoe mileage: 329.5 miles

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