Sunday, May 27, 2007

Prerace Update

Eh, not much to say here. After my last updated, I was suppose to swim on Thursday. That got rained out. I did a short 3.15 neighborhood run in 25:40. I have to admit that working out in the morning really changes my mood for the rest of the day. Since I didn't work out on Thursday, I was kind of pissy all day. Friday, I was in a great mood all day long for the most part. I even got out of work early at 4ish. I was suppose to do a short workout, but I went to Home Depot to pick up stuff to remodel my bathroom instead. Saturday was a rest day with some light yard work. Today, I did a 15 minute swim with some 50s at race pace. After that was a 20 minute spin with some 1 minute pickups. Finally, a 10 minute run with 3 strides. The weather has been horrible all weekend. Hot, humid, and rainy. Tomorrow should be the same so it could get interesting.

I almost didn't race this weekend. I think I almost broke my toe on Thursday. It was raining and I was walking around in my driveway in my flipflops. When I stepped from the driveway into the garage, my flipflops were wet and my left foot slipped out from under me. My left foot was forward and I was pushing off with my right foot which was in the back. When my left foot slipped, all of my weight came down on the top of my right big toe. It hurt like hell as I hopped around the garage for a few minutes. Even now, it still hurts to the touch. If I touched it the day after, it would hurt really, really badly again. It doesn't bother me when I run so I 'm good for the race tomorrow.

Oh, one last thing. Going to the race expo today reminded me once again one side benefit of doing triathlons: girls with great butts and hot legs. Damn!

New Balance mileage: 0 miles
Nike mileage: 19 miles
Weekly run mileage: 7.5 miles

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Yeah, triathlon expos are gawk fests... even for us girls. Good luck at the race!




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