Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Good run and good wine

My weigh in yesterday was 184.5. The yoyo is getting shallower but hopefully it'll start a downward trend soon. Part of that work for a downward trend is the run that I did tonight. It was very similar to my Tuesday run 2 weeks ago. After a 15 minute warmup, it was 8x1 mile repeats. Each odd one was on the track and the even ones were on the trail. The track mile repeats were coming in at about 7:20-7:35 or so with a heart rate of around 160-165bpm. Oh, these were suppose to be at half mary pace and I think that was about right, maybe just a little too fast. The trail repeats were fine. It's tough to judge since I go by time instead of distance. After a 10 minute cooldown, I did about 11 miles. Once again, I feel absolutely fine. I'm really happy that my body is adjusting to running distance now. i skipped swimming this morning. Shit has been bothering me from work and I couldn't sleep last night and I just needed to sleep in this morning. I almost took a "sick day" today, but I had a glass of wine last night and I'm having a glass of red wine tonight as well. It's decent wine. Somewhat on the dry side with a bit of fruitiness as well. Also, I'm on track to run 31 miles this week if I get all my run workouts ins this week. I'm running with my orthodics and they are feeling fine.

New Balance mileage: 80.5 miles
Nike mileage: 87 miles

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