Monday, October 23, 2006

I'm not sick

This is something that I just realized. I don't get sick anymore. Before I started triathlon training, there would be times where I would feel like I'm coming down with something. I would rest and then I would be OK. Sometimes, I would get an actual cold and not feel well, take a sick day from work, and then I would be fine. Now, nothing. I feel fine. I haven't been sick in months and I mean I haven't ever felt like I was coming down with something. I've been worn down from working out too much, but nothing that feels like I've been getting sick and I just find this out of the ordinary.


Jodi said...

I'm the same way! I think it has a lot to do with being healthy. Exercise and healthy eating boosts your immune system. So even though we are probably being exposed to more germs (the pool and gym- ewww, ewwww) our bodies are better prepared to fight them off.

Now we should both go find a large piece of wood to knock on...


-Brandon said...

I hope you didn't just jinx yourself with IMFla and Flue season around the corner.

But, aside from allergies, I think that you have made a good point.

Good luck next weekend.

Me said...

There is so much nasty stuff in the pool that it's amazing. I try not to think about it, but imagine how much deodorant, lotion, soap, dead skin, pee, and poo in the pool. Nasty stuff.

For me, I think the big thing is that I'm drinking alcohol less. A hangover for me and coming down with a cold feel pretty similar. And I keep noticing that as I reduce my alcohol intake, I feel better and better. I'll drink again after IMFL though and we'll see how my immune system holds up over the winter.

Me said...


Thanks. I don't really believe in jinx's so I don't have a problem posting what I did. With that said, I had mild 2nd thoughts about posting it though.


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