Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Tuesday Update

Let's see. I ran during lunch yesterday. Another 15min or so. Well, I guess that was what it was. I forgot my HRM on my bike so I just ran the 1.5 mile loop and I had no clue what my heart rate or my time were. Oh well. I then did 15min on the elliptical. After work, I did another 60min on the elliptical. I was suppose to do a run, which means I was suppose to do an aquajog, but I didn't feel like it so I did an elliptical workout instead. It was a long run, too. I probably would've ran 10-12 miles. Speaking of that, I'm starting to get worried about the run. Well, I want to run 10 minute miles or better, but we'll see if I can do that.

I think I've turned a corner. I'm no longer want this race to be over with. Well, I do, but I'm starting to get excited about it. It's 16 days away which is the week after next. It's on the horizon looming overhead. It's so close. I start my taper after this weekend. Not much else to say for now.

Shoe mileage: 46 miles

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Good to hear you're getting excited! Don't worry about the run. You are in great shape and just remember- after the event you can rest for weeks!



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