Sunday, October 22, 2006

Why does the wind blow harder when it's cold?

I went for a 2 hour ride today. Today was the first day that I had to wear my cold weather gear. It was about 54 degrees when I started riding, but it was sunny out. I headed south and the wind was fine. What I didn't know was that I had a decent tailwind. When I turned north, I had a massive headwind and it was tough to pedal. The wind seemed to be blowing so much harder today when it's cold than the wind that I was used to when it was warmer. I'm not looking forward to biking this winter battling the cold, harsh wind the entire time. Also, my ass was pretty sore from riding yesterday as well.

Afterwards, I ran 15 minutes. My heart rate was a little higher because I was doing a brick, but even doing a brick after 30 miles was pretty easy. I felt fine, but I don't know the distance that I ran today. My avg heart rate was abotu 138bpm. I kept picking up the pace, looking at my HRM, and having to back off a bit. After that, I did some aquajogging. I was freezing though. I got out after 60 minutes and went and got some coffee and breakfast tacos. I'm at home now freezing.

Yesterday was a 4 hour ride. It was a good ride because I had only 2 cars try to kill me so that made me happy. I did the ride by myself and it was boring. Came home and watched a bit of the Ironman championships in Hawaii. Man, that was inspiring. I went and did a 60min aquajog then. I was cold again but that's usual. I was also a complete dumbass yesterday, too. It started out a little cool but overcast, so I put my arm warmers on and left. I forgot to put sunscreen on myself. Today, I have burnt arms, nice marks on the side of my face from my helmet straps, a red face, and most embarrassing, I have an outline of my helmet air vents burned into my shaved head.

Like I said before, I was watching the Ironman Hawaii World Championships last night. It was a pretty good race. It was awesome seeing Desiree Ficker, the hometown hottie pro triathlete, come in 2nd place. She's been having a great year and it's really awesome for her to finish 2nd at this race. She's super awesome and very deserving of the race. Can't believe that Michellie Jones is kicking as after moving up to the IM distance so quickly. The men's race was led by Normann Stadler the entire time, but it was still exciting. Unfortunately, Rick and Dick Hoyt didn't make the swim cutoff. If you haven't heard about their story, it's quite amazing.

After today's workouts, my taper has officially begun. I have 12 days left to my race. Hopefully, today was my last aquajog as well. I'm thinking about actually doing my run workouts on land next weekend. Those workouts are a 30min brick after a Saturday bike ride and then an hour easy on Sunday. I want to do them to see how my body feels after running that long on land. I'll have to ask my coach, but the main reason I want to do this is I'm sick of aquajogging.

I'm in a better mood today, too. My problem is that work is so frustrating because people don't do their jobs and don't do things that they say they are suppose to do. Also, management is insane and is asking for us to meet ridiculous goals, but they answer can't ever be "No." This causes me problems because even though I know that my true calling is not as an industrial engineer in the semiconductor industry, but I still want to do the best at my job. It's just hard for me to not care because I've committed to this and I don't want to slack off at it. I just need to learn to not care, but I can't. Ok, enough personal stuff for now.

Shoe mileage: 49.5 miles


Jodi said...

I'm totally with you on the winter cycling. We went out on Saturday and it was our last beautiful day of the year, probably. And it was only 55. But with no wind and plenty of sun it was wonderful!

I watched Kona as well. How awesome! I was so glad that they had the live telecast. My roommates and I all huddled around my computer to see Norman win. Then we went out for tequila.



ps. I fixed the link!

Me said...

Tequila? Man, am I jealous. Only 12 more days before I can have tequila again.

Anonymous said...

I went riding this morning as well. The ride to Kyle was fine, the ride back was brutal.

Any tricks for making your nose stop running when it's cold?

Me said...

Lots of snot rockets, man. Or just plug some TP up your nose and look like a fool, but at least your nose won't run anymore. If it gets really bad, you can use a tampon.


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