Sunday, October 15, 2006

Weekend of Burnout

Seriously, 19 days and I can't wait until it's over. I've just been feeling really burned out the last couple of days. Yesterday I did a 2.5 hour base bike ride. No problems, but then I was suppose to do a 45min aquajog. I went to my LBS to get my front wheel fixed and some breakfast tacos. I then left to go aquajogging and found out that I forgot my belt at home. I decided to just skip it and I didn't feel that bad about it. Today, I'm totally skipping my aquajog again because I'm just not up to it. The weather is pretty crappy as well, so that's just another excuse. I really hate being like this, but I'm just completely worn out. I just need to stay disciplined and mentally tough to get through this. I've worked a year for this and I can't give up now.

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Stay strong, Eric! The goal is near. Go back and read some old blog entries from when you started the journey. Remind yourself how important this is to you.

Can't wait to hear about your race!



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