Sunday, May 28, 2006


Friday's update is a little late. I just want to apologize to all of my fans out there for the delay. I know how much you need to here about my workout to make yourself feel complete. That day wasn't much to say. I was suppose to do a short swim that day, but I didn't get a chance to do it until after work. Of course I was an idiot and I thought Stacy might be OX to swim in, but there were already 3-4 people circling in each lane and about 6000 kids in the pool. No way. That day, my leg hurt really badly. I didn't have any kinesio tape so that's what I'm thinking it was. My ankle wa hurting as well which was surprising. I was limping a few times while walking around. There is no big surprise that that running tears up your body, but it feels like running really tears me up. All of my issues are in my left leg, damnit.

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