Thursday, May 25, 2006

Today's Events

This morning was a bike ride on the trainer. 60min ride with 3x4 min fast and 2 min RI. It was fine. I felt like I was getting sick this morning, but after the bike ride I felt fine. I tried to get about 8.5 hours of sleep last night, but I kept waking up off and on about an hour before my alarm went off.

Tonight's workout was a run workout with Texas Iron. 15min warmup followed 4x800m at Barton Springs. This is known as the "gate to gate" workout. I only did 4 of them because I'm racing on Monday. My times were 2:32, 2:30, 2:45, and 2:38. Yeah, I went a little too hard the first couple and I was feeling it. After I finished the last interval, I felt like I couldn't even talk for about 3-4 minutes. The next part was 4-8 hill repeats but I skipped out on them. I was done after the intervals. Maybe I am getting sick. I did my cool down run of 10 minutes and then soaked in the water.

Now, I keep having this gastrointestinal problems. Basically, every afternoon I get some pretty bad gas. It starts at around 3pm and lasts until 6pm or so. It's almost every single day and I was feeling it on my run today. My stomach is all sloshy and I just have to fart constantly. Does anyone have any ideas on what to do about this? I've tried not eating and I get gas. I've tried eating and I get gas. Maybe it's because of my high fiber diet that is causing it or maybe I'm slightly lactose intolerant and all of the yogurt and milk and cereal I eat causes problems.

Any ideas?

1 comment:

mcoker said...

What stuff are you eating day to day?
It took me a while, but I found that my protein powder (the specific brand I use) gives me gas. I switched brands and no gas. I take ginger pills and it helps, but it doesn't go away. If you're slightly lactose intolerant, why don't you go with soy yogurt/milk? I know you're not a fan of the "ohhh soy is great, soy is good" thing. For what it's worth, a year ago I tried soy milk and nearly spit it out. Tasted like crap. I've drank like 5-6 glasses of milk a day since I was 3 or 4. So I was like "fuck a bunch of soy milk". I ended up trying it a few more times, and was able to tolerate it (they stock it at work). Now, I absolutely love the stuff. I don't even drink regular milk anymore - I wayyy prefer vanilla soy milk. It's sweet and gives stuff awesome flavor. And I tried a billion different types of yogurt... and Silk makes a soy yogurt (plain) that I honestly think is the best I've tried. You can only get it at whole foods though. It's just like anything else in life... I'm sure the first time you took a drag from a cigarette, you weren't like "mmmm.... this is tasty!!!" but you kept doing it for some other reason, and with time you really loved the taste. Well, if you're slightly lactose intolerant, a move to soy is probably a good idea. Jesus i've written a lot. Alternatively, you could get some of those "lactaid" pills or something. I have a friend that's in the same boat as you. He's jumped on the soy wagon, but sometimes we go out and they'll put cheese or somethign all over his food - he pops one of those pills and he's good to go. Then again, it could totally be something else in your diet....


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