Tuesday, May 23, 2006

If you see me today, remember that I'm not wearing any underwear ;-)

So, this morning after my swim at Stacy, I forgot underwear to change into. I do this about once every 3 months. It doesn't bother me because I'm usually free balling around the house in athletic shorts, but its, uh, a little disconcerting being in public all day like this. Remember if you see me today, we are a little bit closer than you probably would like.

I had a great swim this morning. I got in the pool and split a lane with some guy that was doing the backstroke all over the freaking lane, but I hopped in and did a 600yd warmup. I busted it out in 9:06 which is about 1:31/100yds. That's just my warmup. I felt like I was effortlessly flying through the water. It just felt gooooooooood. After that, I did 10x100 and I averaged about 1:27 and 0:20 rest. Not too bad. Then, my cooldown was 400yds and that was done in 6:16 which is another 1:34 time. Yeah, that was my easy "forever" pace as well. It felt like I couldn't swim any slower without modifying my form to be very bad. There are some good things and some bad things about this. One good thing is that my form and fitness has improved so much that my effortless swims have gotten really, really fast compared to where I started. The bad thing is that I'm not going that much faster when I try to push myself and I'm using a lot of energy when I try to push myself. I can only still get out about a 1:15 at my fastest 100yd time. The range between my bottom end swim and my top end swim has narrowed greatly. But overall, the bottom end has increased substantially which is probably more important.

After that, I went back to Kathryn for PT. She rocks. We got a new PT routine established and I'll work on it. She gave me more kinesio tape which I love. That stuff works wonders. Kathryn also has fingers of steel and really finds all the spots that are sore and tender and she thinks she's not digging into them, but I'm about to jump off the table because of the fingers of steel.

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