Sunday, May 21, 2006


Well, I ran 11.1 miles today. I didn't run it very fast, 1:37:12 which is an 8:45/mile pace, but it's the fact THAT I ACTUALLY RAN 11 MILES TODAY! Since I've been injured, I haven't been able to work out much at all. At first, it was just 30 minute runs and 45 minute bike trips here and there. During this time, I lost a lot of speed and intensity. With today's run, it shows that I didn't lose much endurance, though. It's still there, but I just got to make sure that I don't push myself and get injured again. Speaking of, I had some kinesio tape for my Achilles and calf and I have some regular athletic tape on my knee to pull my knee cap in more medially. With both of these things on there today, my legs barely hurt at all. My calf was a little sore at first and is a little sore now, and my knee was feeling funny at first, but once I got warmed up I felt like I was 100% again. Damn, this stuff is really working. My calves weren't tight and I had very little knee pain at all. I hate taping but if it works for me and keeps me running, I'll do it. I also see Kathryn, my old PT, again on Tuesday and I can't wait to start seeing her again.

After the run, I went to Barton Springs and did a 30min recovery swim. Well, I soaked my legs first for about 10 minutes because they really needed it. The first two 4.1 mile loops were good. The last 2.9 mile loop was pretty hard. I was running somewhat slow, but because of this weird elevated heart rate thing, my heart rate was around 160 whereas it felt like it should have been in the 150-155 range. My form stayed fairly good, well good for me. I know I have crappy form, but I maintained the best form that I could maintain. So, I soaked in BS and then swam a mile in 31:15. After that, I'm completely trashed. My ankles are so sore right now. I still need to mow my yard today, though, so that's not going to allow me to rest. I have one of those ol' timey reel mowers. I got it because I need more exercise and mowing with that once a week should be good exercise. I also need to clean out my garage and get Couch Boy a desk or something to put in his room so he can then get all of his crap out of the rest of the house.

Oh, one funny thing. I parked at Jack & Adams and started my run from there. I do this because I hate paying for parking, especially on the weekends where it'll cost me $6 to swim at BS. Well, that's a bunch of B.S.! I did my run, went to my car, got some money, and walked over to BS. Got there, and then I realized that I forgot my goggles. Damnit! I walked back to my car and back to BS to do my swim. If I was lazy, I would've just gone back to my car and gone home, but I'm trying to be more disciplined so I finished my workout.

For the rest of the day, I'm going to be as productively lazy as possible.


mcoker said...

you ever park down by "the rock"? Where all the water and stuff is at the bridge under mopac? I always park there - never a problem with parking, and it's a good spot to enter/exit with the stretching posts & water.

Me said...

I don't park there much. I like parking in an area that is between water stops because that way I get 4 water stops on a 2 loop run instead of starting out at a water stop, hitting 3 of them on the run, and then end at another water stop. Make sense?


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