Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Spin Bike Today

Nothing special. I was on the spin bike for about 1:35 this morning. I was suppose to spin for 2 hours, but I got up late this morning. Most of the time, I get up after one snooze, but this morning, I had absolutely no clue what was going on until 22 minutes after my first alarm went off. This was the first day that I got up and turned off the alarm without ever realizing it. Well, I vaguely remember it. I was also very tired at work today so I'm going to try to get 9 hours of sleep tonight. Because I was so exhausted, my workout sucked today. I felt like I was really working hard when I was doing my intervals, but my heart rate was low.

So, sleep tonight and I should be fine. My stomach was doing good today, too. I ate too much candy today for some reason. Some days I have great will power and other days I have none. I'm eating less and less candy though so that's good. I'm also tracking my calories again and that's a pain in the ass, but it's worth it.

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